Grain size analysis in bucket

Effectiveness of drilling and blasting operations depends on explosives. Proportion of explosive substances affects the grain sizes. The larger the grain size is, the less effective the excavator work is. The smaller the grain size is, the more expensive explosives were used. There is a strong need to have well balanced cost-effectiveness parameters in drilling and blasting operations.

Task: create statistics of grain sizes in the excavator's bucket for better planning of drilling and blasting operations.

The effectiveness of drilling and blasting operations is usually estimated manually by a blasting expert. This manual statistical analysis takes a lot of time to carry out.

Our solution: to create statistics of grain sizes in the excavator bucket with Computer Vision algorithms.


  • work with any type of excavators
  • work in any temperature conditions
  • work in any visual conditions (night, snow, rain, camera pollution)
  • processing of difficult visual cases

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